
The thematic courses organize the techings in order to enrich the contents which support the development of stability of mind, vision, meditation and action in the world. The main goal is to help practitioners to develop awareness in the various blocks, reigns and bardos - which are all expressions of clear light,

How to use and where to start

Here we use the circular method between these various thematic courses. The suggestion is to start with the Buddha Dharma in the World The next step is to continue with another thematic line of your interest and then go through it all again circularly, taking contemplation as the main practice..

Each thematic line came from teachings on retreats, all led by Lama Samten from different locations in Brazil. Other thematic lines will be offered next, in order to enrich the contents which support the development of stability of mind, vision, meditation and action in the world.

Palestras 2024

Budismo na Vida Cotidiana Budismo na Vida Cotidiana Palestras 2024 Índice Motivação no Cotidiano Reflexões sobre as Práticas no Dia

Acessar »
Aqui estão disponibilizados de forma organizada os ensinamentos mais recentes do Lama Padma Samten. O acesso a essas linhas temáticas é livre, independente de inscrição ou valores financeiros.

Se você aspira apoiar a sustentação desse iniciativa clique abaixo e acesse o formulário que permite oferecer um valor livre, mensal/sequencial ou único.

Desde os tempos do Buda, o Darma é sustentado pela generosidade dos praticantes e das pessoas que se sentem beneficiadas.

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